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Th heartbreaking story of Tyre Nichols led to another jersey design and with it the release of what I call the “soft” language of Unarmed.

A few years ago I got into the habit of checking the NBA box scores on my phone right before bed. Mainly on ESPN and but sometimes right in Google. Then on other sites, lots of sites. And while most places do an OK-enough job acting as portals to other basketball-related stuff, the part […]

Waking up to news of the police killing of Daunte Wright, 20, in a town near Minneapolis sent my emotions through the spin cycle. These events are both regular and unpredictable. As a rapid response, I created a jersey design within Instagram’s stories feature. Later in the day I learned that the artist Karine Varga, […]

In the month of February I had my first solo show as an artist at Leon Gallery in Denver. The exhibition featured my work for Unarmed and a few images from my recent travels in the American Southwest. The pivot from ‘filmmaker’ to ‘artist’ has not been as daunting as I thought it might be, […]

We installed the full suite of Unarmed jerseys on Lafayette Street between Houston and Canal this past Friday. See pics of the entire run here, or, better yet, head over to Manhattan to see them in person. UPDATE – The SoHo installation was recently covered in Yahoo Sports and Design Observer.

These are dark times for the empire. Unarmed made its public debut on Flatbush Avenue last week – here are a few photos. Installing the prints and seeing the reaction of fellow Brooklynites was among the most gratifying experiences I’ve had as an artist. Over the weekend another black man was killed by a police […]