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Here’s an end of Summer loosie I never got around to posting. The whine of dirt bikes in the distance is something I associate with Brooklyn. I still haven’t captured the photo I want of the dudes screaming past but this one’ll do for now.

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Striding off the plane and toward the Milwaukee Film Festival won’t be like heading to L.A. a year ago, having barely slept and giddy for a date with destiny. The premiere of a director’s first feature film will always be special, mine certainly was. I’m not coming to Milwaukee a seasoned vet either, more of an early-mid-career type of vibe. In a snatch of time before putting my phone into airplane mode I learn that the first two screenings have sold out of advance tickets. On the other end of the flight I learn that a driver named Campion is waiting to pick me up near the Harley Davidson store in the terminal, the first of many pleasant surprises.

This year has been difficult. I have wrestled with change in my business and personal relationships. A week ago I turned 40, a natural moment for both celebration and reflection. What harbingers will five days on Lake Michigan offer?
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These photographs were all shot from behind the subjects. Three of them are backlit.

In the film The Harder They Come a character uses the exclamation, “[B]ackside!” to express surprise at seeing Jimmy Cliff’s character Ivan, a fuguitive, hanging out in a photo studio. He says it once again to close the scene. “Backside!” I’ve always wanted to say that when caught off-guard. But with the Jamaican accent. Unfortunately, bad Jamaican accents are a bit of a pet peeve, and mine is terrible. So I probably won’t ever scream, “backside!” when I’m surprised. I can take pictures of people’s backs, though. Do I get credit for that?

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I saw this frame while on a location scout for an unrelated project. One of those shots that you can’t wait to return home to see if it’s in focus.

© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.