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I was scanning some old photos and came across a couple of personal favorites. The first comes from the immortal cross-country trip of 2002. Back when Sukes had short hair and mine was long. Way back.

The second is on the way to West Virginia in ’03 — the trip that ended up convincing me to cut it all off. Miss Kelly has also been the star of some old-school spec-commercial-making of mine.

Holding photographs is fun. I miss it.

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Me and the Demon Doctor have been going back and forth on this thing for years, decades it seems. Every time we link up, someone has to bust out the fly shades. At breakfast today, it was his turn. I’ll be back though.

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It was a Sunday evening, a little over a year ago. Thaddeus Clark is on the phone.

Thadd: Let’s do a video.
Me: Cool. When.
Thadd: Wednesday.
Me: Word!

That’s how it came together. We had been talking/planning. But it was one of those maybe, maybe not kind of things. Never the right window. Until the window opened. And we jumped through.

We never got to use the shot above, but it’s one of my favorite still frames from the shoot. And below that is another little something with Thaddeus Clark from a month before the shoot. Props to Teddy Boy for always coming through with the proper threads. The Side Hustle album is a free download. And you can’t beat that with a bat!

© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.