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There has really been too much Unarmed news to list in a simple post like this, but the big item is that I spent most of October taking the series on the road. Louisville, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Denver. I had community events in some cities and went straight guerrilla in others. We made the 11-o’clock news in Louisville and a room-full of people cry in Milwaukee.

Before leaving, I made this short documentary about the project, which is really a cutdown of this podcast interview. The grant from V-Day. Then the tour through cities strafed by the trauma of racist police violence, and all the attendant grief, anger, and resolve. There was a pop-up show at a gallery in Denver and an article in Denverite. Hundreds of pictures. Hours of video. Like I said.

The top two images are from Louisville, the bottom one is from Kenosha.

© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.