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Well, I probably won’t get to write a headline like that again. Journalist Ben Osborne made me comfortable enough to speak in my own language, to cry, and to wax on the talismanic quality of jerseys in my life, and then set it all up with a feathery sentence like this: Sports also carry the […]

There has really been too much Unarmed news to list in a simple post like this, but the big item is that I spent most of October taking the series on the road. Louisville, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Denver. I had community events in some cities and went straight guerrilla in others. We made the 11-o’clock […]

These are dark times for the empire. Unarmed made its public debut on Flatbush Avenue last week – here are a few photos. Installing the prints and seeing the reaction of fellow Brooklynites was among the most gratifying experiences I’ve had as an artist. Over the weekend another black man was killed by a police […]

I recently appeared on the podcast Filmwax Radio. And while I’ve appeared in media before, this one felt a bit like a rite of passage. Any New York filmmaker of note has appeared on it over the years and I’ve listened to many episodes. Adam’s cat sat in my lap for a few minutes as […]

Work x Work produced an audio interview about my photography. The post also features more of my photos from Morocco. The image above is just a taste. Click here for the full flavor.

Scout Tafoya, the film essayist, approached after our screening at the BlackStar Film Festival to congratulate me on making a “fucking awesome film.”