blue header

classically flavoured
they're called skytops for a reason

Regular readers of the Dot Com may be perplexed, disturbed even, but these images are real. Do not [attempt to] adjust your television sets.

The above text was originally intended to accompany photos of a great meal that I cooked, but the pictures didn’t come out as good as the food. So here are some pictures of sneakers. Three items:

a) Marc Johnson’s eponymous sneaker by Lakai ranks among my all-time favorites — here modified with purple laces. Johnson is also the only professional skateboarder known to have graduated from Yale.

b) The apartment I’m subletting has the exact same table as the one I have back in Brooklyn, only without my undone tax shit all over it.

c) Blogger/technologist Lynne Johnson is the person who brought my attention to the Supra Skytop Floral — the most consistently complimented garment I have ever owned. My favorite sneaker dap happened in DC close to 3 a.m. one night a couple months ago.

Guy: “Ay cuz, where’d you get they?”

I felt like Bobbito.


    when did the Raafmonster cop those crispy NBs?

    One of the benefits of shopping in a conservatively dressed city is that all the outlandish stuff ends up on the clearance rack. I got the NB\’s two weeks ago at their factory outlet in Boston — for less than $30. The green laces came later.

    and that’s ibid re: 3/$10.

    u know i never got those florals in my size. i got the suede/crocs instead. have you seen the latest styles?

    Wow, just peeped them. I think a pair of these are in my future. Can’t decide on the brown or the blue though.

    Marc Johnson and Yale?

    That dude barely graduated from highschool in Alabama, bama!

    Love the skytops! Happen to find any in New Orleans? I’m from MA but am down here for the summer. Haven’t had much fun with the shopping scene down here since I am without a car but w/e.

    @tim: How you gonna front like you’re not the person who told me MJ went to Yale?

    @lauren: Yeah, the shoe scene here is a bit mysterious. There’s a skate shop in the Quarter called Humidity, but I haven’t been yet. I got the skytops online anyway.

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