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Here are a couple of my best shots from New Orleans. I didn’t get around to posting them earlier, mainly because I wanted to enjoy them myself for awhile. As for reflections on the place itself, there are many. The richness of the speech might be the first that comes to mind. I overheard a […]

While last Friday’s trip down the bayou will require a more expansive treatment in text and pictures, let it be stated unequivocally that my taste for idiosyncratic cars and signage remains as strong as my penchant for photographing walls with people in front of them.

Walking home, I saw these scenes and ran to grab my camera, hoping to get back on time. There’s a point at which the natural light has faded such that artificial light is just as bright. It is a fertile moment for photography. Unfortunately, I was about five minutes too late when I snapped these […]

Umm, so I almost got struck by lightning. Wanna see the video?

Though I’m not sure if I’ll ever eat there, the Ninja Restaurant and Sushi Bar might be my favorite restaurant and sushi bar in New Orleans. It certainly has the best name and sign combination imaginable. And while I’m back up to my old tricks again photo-wise, it’s nice to be reminded that the folks […]