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I posted on Bradford Young’s big Sundance win over at Desedo. And a hearty congrats here! Process interview? Got that. And a couple pics from the archive.

An interview with friend and cinematographer Bradford Young, who was recently invited to join the ASC, and has received nearly every other honor a cinematographer can receive in his short career. Brad was one of the first people I met when I arrived for grad school at Howard University in late 1999, and we shot […]

This piece was shot over the course of a day on the streets of Brooklyn and Queens. It felt like no block went unexplored. On the day we shot the JMZ train was unexpectedly out of service. Not even our crack production team could get the MTA to roll a train over the bridge. So […]

New York City band The Exit play their first show after a near-two year hiatus. An interview with Ben and Gunnar before the show. In the interim since shooting this video: – Ben has married and divorced the singer M.I.A. – Bradford Young, the cinematographer of this piece, has since been nominated for an Oscar.

A look into the making of “Magnet” with Neutral Mute frontman DJ McNanny and bassist Ryan McConville.