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These two kids were riding across from me on the train today. One had their dad’s iPhone, the other was playing a game on the iPad. The fact that some people refuse to regard that device as a game-changer baffles the mind.

A day later I overheard the following on an elevator:

one of my kid’s first words was iPad. Or sometimes he says iPodtouch.

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Years ago I was pegged as a “details guy” by a friend, a declaration I did not dispute at the time. These days, “top-level thinkers,” and “big picture” people abound in my work. It’s all true. I don’t mind one bit. Part of what makes me happy every morning is seeing the smiling teddy bear on top of my coffee.

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When your landlord’s cell phone is disconnected and his land line’s answering machine is constantly full, it doesn’t hurt to pick up a few trade skills: carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and now locksmithing. Yusuke and I mined our parallel ever-growing heaps of non-working tech to find the perfect screw to fix the deadbolt on the front door. It was either that or put on the old “pretend your lock is actually working” performance every day for the benefit of the hallway.

The winning screw came from the PCI card at top right. The computer that formerly housed the card is like a time machine. I might boot it up once every couple years. Mainly it’s there to show me what my desktop looked like back in 2003. The part of me that’s fighting against the pack rat part is only half ashamed of the part that’s proud of fixing the lock. That’s got to be worth a pile of broken cameras. Right?

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my former jungle
my new garden

I wouldn’t ordinarily use this as a space for pimping products, but on this rare occasion, I must digress. The CableBox by bluelounge is one of those incredibly simple yet incredibly useful products that absolutely delivers on premise. In this case the premise is simple: “space is gained.”

Their separate product the CableDrop performs admirably as well.


Check out the rest of their offerings if you also suffer from cable strangulation and clutter issues.

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I love how a color can stretch its boundaries when it interacts with factors like age and light. This garage read as black to the eye, but the camera sees the shadows of the garage as blacker than the garage itself. And what about the sign advertising its price? And the black cars inside?

© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.