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After shooting Joe Carini’s beautiful carpets, me and Scott talked about the business of creativity. Booming as it is, there are always doubts, cracks. Which is when you gird yourself up with friends and conversation. And, in this case, french fries.

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Chinatown remains one of my favorite places to shoot photographs in the city. Maybe it’s because it feels dense and gritty the way New York is supposed to feel. Or maybe it’s because of how intensely foreign it feels at times. On Saturday, because of Manhattanhenge, the streets were particularly fetching.

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Thursday was a good one for shooting portraits of “L” people at the office. Liz needed a grown-up photo for an upcoming book show and asked if I’d take one — which I did, in exchange for beer. Later that day, Logan stopped by and the afternoon light was just too much to pass up. Lucky me.

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© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.