On Saturday morning young Morales and I hit the streets to see what the city had to offer. There were food products and carved statues.

It only took us five months since shooting… but we got it done. Here’s the video for Thaddeus Clark’s Downtown/Connect. The (banging) song is available for download at hellabasic.com. Special shots to my editor Jason Morales who slogged through many weekends and evenings to help bring this to the light of day.

The guy in the top picture’s shirt matched the colors of the stage lighting for the jazz performers in the bottom shot. It was a fun couple of hours. And I’m now able to say that I’ve set foot in the state of Wisconsin.

Big, heavy city, that Chicago. My movie played on opening night of a film festival there. After that it was all long walks and picture taking, with a cubs game and Harold’s fried chicken thrown in for good measure.

Here’s a promo I directed for the Wu-Tang Clan. The most recent album is called Legendary Weapons. Cop that disc, nahmean!