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It’s no secret that we repeat vantage points around here. It just happens to be a good vantage point. Shooting this, I was reminded of an earlier post:

There’s a point at which the natural light has faded such that artificial light is just as bright. It is a fertile moment for photography.

That post was nearly six years ago (?!?). And I’ve only grown as a writer and photographer since. A heartfelt thanks to anyone who’s stopped by in the intervening time. We’re just getting started.

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The top photo is from my home of nine years, Brooklyn, NY. The bottom one is from my grandparents former home in Lincoln University, PA, on the court where many summers were spent trying and mainly failing to perfect my jump shot. The photos were taken on consecutive days last weekend. If you’re waiting for a pithy statement on the passage of time, so am I. The pictures will have to suffice for now.

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© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.