The top photo is from my home of nine years, Brooklyn, NY. The bottom one is from my grandparents former home in Lincoln University, PA, on the court where many summers were spent trying and mainly failing to perfect my jump shot. The photos were taken on consecutive days last weekend. If you’re waiting for a pithy statement on the passage of time, so am I. The pictures will have to suffice for now.
Might’ve been able to get this shot in focus if I’d had a flash. But hey.
Couple recent scenes where the light comes in from behind.
The New York Times asked me to create a 6-second Vine video about an issue in advance of the recent mayoral primary. I chose Stop and Frisk. As a tall man of color who favors baseball caps I often feel the effects of my presence when walking around the city, particularly at night. Many people move away; police move closer. Here’s one story.
A couple weeks ago, the team at The Color Machine got together to take our first official “family portrait.” And boy were the chair puns flowing. One of my favorites came when we first arrived to the room of chairs and hadn’t built the wall yet. Jordan said, “have a seat.”
I’ve challenged myself to create a new poster or design for How to Steal every month. I’ve already put a couple over on the tumblr blog but this one is hot off the presses.