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Diogenes Brito, a designer at Slack, writes about his decision to make the skin color of the Add to Slack button brown. Why was the choice an important one, and why did it matter to the people of color who saw it? The simple answer is that they rarely see something like that. These people […]

Gut punch. An animated interactive map of the history of the Atlantic slave trade.

Imagine an all-American kid in his little league uniform. What color is his skin?

Here is an essay I wrote on the intersection of race and commerce in the recent film Furious 7: Tears in Dom’s World.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Raafi Rivero (@raafirivero) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Raafi Rivero (@raafirivero) The twin grand jury decisions not to indict police officers for the deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner roiled the city in November and December. Against this backdrop I began […]
