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It’s hard not to be inspired after watching this video about a bed-bound graffiti writer with ALS learning to use eye-tracking software to create new works. Even better, the software is open source. I met with Evan Roth of the Graffiti Research Lab six (6!!!) years ago around when this blog was just finding its water legs and before it was the towering edifice that stands before you today.

The intersection of street culture and technology has always fascinated me. One definition of hip-hop holds that it’s an amorphous blob of culture built on technology and innovation. It’s only right that a fringe continues to explore new forms of expression.

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I love these shoes. But after my red plaid shorts died I never had the outfit to support them. And didn’t have the persistence to build one. So off to eBay they went. Not as traumatic as a pet dying, but a little sad nonetheless.

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Styles P album cover I shot

A few months ago my friend Andrew got in touch asking if I was interested in doing a music video for Styles P. I had done an earlier promo for his label and we’ve kept a running dialogue of music videos over the last year or so. Shooting this was my first opportunity to go all the way street and gritty. It was super fun, of course, and the first thing I’ve ever done to air on MTV.

When I was 18 and interning at a production company that did socially-conscious documentaries, I was amazed that my supervisor would listen to DJ Clue mixtapes during off-time. She took the irony in stride and told me that the streets will always be fertile ground for stories. They are.

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This summer has been all about the outdoors: biking, skateboarding, the beach, wiffle and basketball. Free running and soccer are two I haven’t tried yet, hopefully there’s enough time left.

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almond croissant and iced coffee

hare krishnas in Union Sq NYC

fashion designer ebony white

Here are some pictures from this year. Two from the past week, one of the designer Ebony White whom I interviewed recently, and another taken on my phone at the Keith Haring exhibit at the BK museum a few months back. I’ve been shooting. But not quite ready to post about that yet.

© 2006 – 2025 Raafi Rivero.